Currently reading

Gangster Moll
Erin Ashley Tanner, Bethany-Kris
Waste of Worth
Gun Moll
Erin Ashley Tanner, Bethany-Kris
DISCOVERY (Esquire Black Duet #1)
Hayley Faiman
Earth Bound
Mike Chamberlain, Christine Feehan
Unbeloved: Undeniable, Book 4 Audible Audiobook – Unabridged Madeline Sheehan (Author), Tatiana Sokolov (Narrator), Tantor Audio (Publisher)
Madeline Sheehan
Angels in Leather
Bella Jewel
Merry Cowboy Christmas
Chelsea Hatfield, Hachette Audio, Carolyn Brown
Last Ride (Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club)
Chantal Fernando

Stolen Innocence: My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs

Stolen Innocence: My Story of Growing Up in a Polygamous Sect, Becoming a Teenage Bride, and Breaking Free of Warren Jeffs - Elissa Wall, Lisa Pulitzer This was quite an interesting story.I give a lot of credit to this young girl for sharing her story and speaking out. I have to say that after reading this story I feel as though that these leaders think they are above the law and that they can do whatever they want and get away with it. They are nothing but a bunch of pedophiles thinking its there right to get away with there sick ways.There needs to be government regulations put in place for these organizations , they are just brainwashing both men and women and abusing women and children.I don't fault anyone for choosing a religion they believe in and its there right on how they choose to live your life but at some point being intelligent people that we are we know what is right and wrong and once you cross that line you become a criminal just as much as those in charge and are responsible for your actions and no god or religion are not asking these horrible things of you. No religion is worth hurting another and causing them pain and watching innocent women and children being raped and thinking its okay!!!! and that if you interfere you will be punished and won't go to heaven and that not the risk your willing to take. Well after being a participant you don't deserve to go to heaven you will be going to hell instead.Any religion that can take a husbands wives away from them and give them to another in a blink because you weren't up to snuff or ticked someone off in a heartbeat and have no say over your women and children you have to take a very hard look at yourself and say is this a religion i want to be part of because god does not put these restrictions on another human being and have this kind of control of another's life it is the person in charge making this shit up just to be more important and gaining wealth and having total control and being in power to abuse there followers and you are letting them !!!More men and women in these kinds of sects need to breakaway and come forward to tell there stories so the unjust and be dealt with and I am glad this young girl had they guts to do it (leave the sect)not that it was easy in anyway as she had been brainwashed from the time she was a child if she didn't follow the rules she was not going to heaven and all her siblings that we still in there worrying that the members would be abusing her younger sisters because of her actions and also worrying that the rape that was done to her would be done to her sisters to carry this on ones shoulders at 14 years of age is such a great burdened just a child still having to deal with all of this and by the time she was sixteen had 3 miscarriages because she was repeatedly raped and it was her husband right.I hope this story inspires others like her to breakaway....