What an adventure.Hannah's newest book with the Vaughan's and the Wherlocke's always are full of adventure. With all of them being such a close knit family and all and all with amazing different magical and healing abilities.Even those who are reclusive came out for this adventure.Thanks Mordred.Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing is haunted by a vision of a man in danger-the same man who she has seen in dreams time and time again. She doesn't even know his name, and yet she feels the connection between them, knows she is the only one standing between him and disaster. Lord Hartley Greville is soon to become a big part of Alethea life. Once she tells him of her visions he thinks she is a quack until she shows him all the sketches she has in detail of every dream she has had of him since childhood.Still not a believer quite yet but, once other members of the family get involved he has no choice to go along if he wants to find his niece and nephew that are in danger. It was quite endearing to see the cat a mouse game of love going on between the Rakish Marquis and the mousey magical seer .Another great spy adventure of Grenville having to play a loving suitor to a black -hearted Lady spy while all he can think about is a little mouse named Alethea and how to win her heart without blowing his cover. The book was filled with love romance and adventure all the things I love. Another thing I enjoy is Hannah's interactions with all our favorite characters book after book a positive for me.Enjoyable and recommended read.A Keeper!