Our Review
Coal and Paisley !
Lets start off by saying this is new author to us and we enjoyed reading their latest installment in their MC Romance series.I loved reading MC Romances so we are always looking to add to our current book collection.
I did enjoy this story.I found the characters to be like-able as well as engaging.The story dabbles in the current problems arising in the MC and how the members are dealing with them.Each member's different personality blended into the story making it a fun read.Although I liked the two main characters a lot Pixie ( Paisley's nick name) and Coal I just couldn't imagine them as a couple.There was a lot of things that I liked about each character but, they were total opposites .I like a story when the character's are totally different and they seem to make it work and sometimes it even works to their advantage.Pixie is a Vegan and lives a clean life in mind and spirit as well as health.She needs balance in her life just to focus and to be happy.Coal is tall dark dangerous as well as having a troubled past. He lives life on the edge and is in danger because of the life he leads yet he is attracted to a sweet an innocent. His polar opposite.I just couldn't see a relationship going anywhere for this couple from the very beginning.
I loved how Paisley was always happy upbeat and determined.She was kind and quite love-able.I liked how she was with her friends who were also her polar opposite but seem to make their friendships work.I like how she was willing to take chances within reason.She was just an adorable character who just tried to make all those around her happy as well.I loved that about her.I also loved how she was always giving herself pep talks they made me laugh.
I loved Coal with his good deeds.I loved how he took his troubled past and tried to make a difference to those women in need. I love how he loved his friends and the loyalty he showed them.I enjoyed seeing him squirm fighting his attraction toward Paisley.It was too funny .I chuckled more then once.I loved how Trevor's (Coal) reasons for not getting involved with Pixie had nothing to do with her lifestyle choices they were personal ones.Coal even started eating slightly better by being with Paisley.It happened gradually without him even realizing he was making better choices in general.I loved that omg moment when he realizes he was giving up meat! Too funny!
This was a light fun read.I enjoyed getting to know the character's and I am looking forward to picking up the other stories in its series.I enjoy the other character's as well their different personalties blended into the story adding humor to it.
Although this couple had chemistry It lacked heat and fire.I missed the sizzle I guess you could say that this couple could have brought to the pages.Paisley would have been a willing partner in that area. She was a tad adventurous ...
We are giving this story 4 stars.I am hoping to read more of these authors stories in this series in the near future and get to know the rest of the character's and their stories.
ARC provided by author for an honest review.