Another great read for us from Lexi Blake.The more I read her books the more that I fall in love with each and everyone of them.
I always pick a favorite character that I love more than the others and this time around mine is going to be Shelby.
Why? So many reasons she was intelligent,patient,kind,smart,protective,had a sense of humor was driven but most of all she was just a loving and giving person who always put others first .She cared about their needs and wants before her own.I loved the chemistry she had with Drew as their was always sexual tension between the two of them right from their first meeting even before they were together.Their sexual encounters were super hot as well as sensual.I loved how she was always making bargains with Drew in order to turn things in her favor but all along just playing along as she wanted the same things Drew did.
Sneaky little vixen!
Drew on the other hand was the total opposite of Shelby.I found him to be more of an a*ss most of the time,protective of his siblings,dangerous,powerful,smart sexy as sin, just really sex on a stick.As the story progressed I thought that he was less as an a** and more just socially awkward in dealing with women and messy feelings.I felt that he was lonely not necessarily unhappy just that he needed someone to love and care about him be and be a equal partner for him and give him hell when he needed a shove.I loved how he always thought about is brothers and sisters happiness before his own.He was so protective of them god help the person trying to hurt them.
Shelby and Drew made an awesome team when it came to trying to prove that his mother murdered his father now that Drew knows that she is alive and gunning for him and his family yet again.
This story had so much going on to keep your interest.And we loved it from cover to cover.We dealt with the ups and downs with Drew's ongoing relationship with Shelby as he messes up time and time again as he just isn't good and the relationship thing.The twists and turns the story took the surprises that popped up.I loved the siblings and their spouses and all their different personalities that added humor to the story that had you laughing out loud. Big Tag made me laugh more than once. Defiantly a consent favorite of mine throughout the series.Loved how strong the women were in this story whether they carried the name Gates,Lawless,or Taggart. This for me is the type of story that you could go on and on on about the things that you loved most about it and definitely goes into the keeper pile where I am sure that I will read time and time again.
Looking forward to reading the rest in this series as well.