This is a cute read involving a teenage school girl who is not the most social student on the latter with a best friend who some might consider nerdy. She is left a note to meet in a girls bathroom and the click that she always wanted to be part of invites her to be part of there secret group.Once doing the deed to become part of there little secret group she then meets Emma who is daring and lives outside the box. She then gets the girl involved in all sorts of chaos and the disappears leaving her to foot the bill. Then all of a sudden she ditches her best friend and all kind of things start happening to her friends including the girls in the click she that she has always wanted to be part of but, is now at war with and all the thing happening she is being accused of and never doing any of it. She goes on to discover and learn what sinister spirit or whatever is after all those she loves and learning that a childhood imaginary friend might be involved....She gets down to business to solve the mystery.
Cute fun read with several laughs and enjoyable book part of a Poison Apple series and in rated for Teens.Character where likeable and hate able at the same time and have that back drop feeling what all goes on in a Teenagers life with there ups and downs and there woes.