Title: Unwrapped
Author: Piper & Jack Davenport
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: December 24, 2018
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
5 stars from us
Arc copy provided by author for honest review
Christmas is approaching for the Dogs of Fire and Burning Saints Motorcycle Clubs, but rather than the usual holiday cheer, the air is filled with tension of a brewing Civil War. The Gresham Spiders, a local 1% MC, is hell-bent on expansion and both clubs lie directly in their path. Will assistance from an outside ally help diffuse the situation long enough to keep the peace during throughout the season?
Join these two beloved MCs as they celebrate the holidays and try to keep their clubs from splintering under the pressure.
The more I read books from these author's the more I love him I just love all the character's and their quirky personalities.
This story was so much fun from the onset of the story it had me laughing and smiling throughout the entire story.I love books like this!
This story was hot hot hot especially with Hatch and Maisie and Cricket and Minus these men and their women definitely know how to create fireworks between them.The sex scenes as well as their sexual escapades were totally fan worthy. LOL
As much as the story was fun and flirty it also had a serious tone to it with club members trying to iron out all the details with all the clubs in their fight against the Spiders.Also their was a bomb that dropped in the story but, turned out to be something positive and not negative or harmful for once.What a surprise we loved the news!
Overall we loved the story from cover to cover it was a novella packed with fun and laughter and a few surprises but, most of all it just showed as yet again how great Hatch and Maisie and Cricket and Minus belong together these couple love their men and women with all that they have and its awe inspiring.
We loved it!
We are so loving this series.....
Piper Davenport is the alter-ego of New York Times Bestselling Author, Tracey Jane Jackson. She writes from a place of passion and intrigue, combining elements of romance and suspense with strong modern-day heroes and heroines.
She currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two kids.
Jack Davenport is a true romantic at heart, but he has a rebel’s soul. His writing is passionate, energetic, and often fueled by his true life, fiery romance with author wife, Piper Davenport. A musician by day, his unique perspective into the world of rock stars provides an exciting backdrop for his new romance series.
He currently lives with his wife and two kids in the top left corner of the United States.