Guilty. ExCon. Felon. Prisoner. Criminal. Words that now represent me. Words that keep any decent person away from me. I never gave much thought to words before now. Slut. Hussy. Whore. Homewrecker. Jezebel. Words that now reflect me. Words that will stay indefinitely. The evidence of those words grow inside of me. Those Words make the entire town assume they are vindicated to use them. I am wrong. They are right.
For those who follow my reviews know that I love anything Hayley Faiman writes.For us all her books have wonderful character's that we love and want to hate but, still love them but, most of all they are always intense and emotional and filled with character's that are broken and some darker then others but, just need to find the only one meant for them to become whole once again.This author's story this time around was no different as we loved the great character's she created for us yet again for us to fall in love with.
This story was a very emotional one for all parties involved.I will say that Wyatt was a God send throughout the entire story we really loved him as he was always there when anybody need him,but, most of all he was able to give Ryland a leg up for him to stay on the straight and narrow and in a sense owes him the life he is leading today and all the happiness that comes with it.
Channing we really loved her .She was a brave young lady and my heart went out to her time and time.We found her to be resilient,a bit shy,caring and compassionate,beautiful inside and out but, just one of those character's you can't help but love because she is pure sunshine and sweetness.
Ryland Omg! What a hottie! We love the heavily tattooed sexy bad boy who had a sexy swag about him as we as being a sensual lover who had a tortured soul and was broken but, no matter what happiness comes his way he will always be haunted by his past miss deeds.
We loved the story from beginning to end as it was about second chances,healing,forgiveness,making a better life for oneself and meeting the one who is the right one for you who will all make these things possible.The story was filled with tons of drama,suspense,had a few twists and turns as well as a few Omg ! moments you never saw coming.
Overall we loved the story that was placed in a small town and it just a reminder to all that comes with living in one that has pro's and con's but, for this couple it was almost impossible for them to move on from their past mistakes because the towns people will always be judging them.If anyone can come beat the odds it was this couple and we were rooting for them and their happiness.This was one hot read! Ryland and Channing made the perfect couple as their chemistry was super hot and there sexual encounters even hotter.Most of all the author created the perfect ending to one heck of an emotional tale.
Recommended read to All!
Looking forward to the next book in this ongoing series.We can't wait for Wyatt to get his own story as we are already half way in love with him. grins..