Dirty Birches Season One
Let's start of by saying that I really enjoyed this collaboration of stories and Introducing us to and all new series that was a so much fun and that just so happened to be about an all girls MC "We loved that."
Loved each and every story and getting to know Titz and Stileto,Links and Rogue all so different from one another yet created this amazing MC family together of misfits.
Rogue story was train wreck waiting to happen but, was also about second chances and forgiveness and that some loves are not so easily forgotten know matter who much times passes.The love letters that were written to Rogue were so touching they made us cry.
Titz was a walking train wreck of her own making .The girl created constant chaos but, was down right hilarious but, met the one man capable of taming her as much as a women like her could be tamed.
Stiletto reminded me of a fire cracker and we loved her fierceness and her straight talk and her loyalty to her friends and club.She was just too funny and a bad*ss who fixes cars and runs a garage. Stiletto has caught the eye of the sexy sheriff in town who is about to stake his claim and make her his but, he knows he is about to wage a war and is all in and happily grinning about it .LOL
Links is way to quiet and one who is obsessed with her garden and a little ocd'd but,when she is provoked has a fiery temper when someone pisses her off and has know problem getting in your face.Thinking about her first meeting with the sexy Brit has us chuckling out loud just thinking of it .Links is instantly attracted by the sexy Brit who makes her lady bits sing and tingle but,doesn't want to be but, she has met her match what more? he has know problem riding bitch on the back of her bike and is actually proud of it.Crazy right? know crazy in love....
Overall one laugh out loud hilarious read with great characters and we loved it !
Dirty Birches Season 2
Wow ! Another down right hilarious read What is and MC without prospects? The girls have prospects and new blood for the club to make it complete.I have to say that we were rooting for these prospects from the very beginning as they had a tough crowd to please.We really loved these new crop of girls and all of them were easy to love.
Cutz/Onyx Omg ! Girl your one lucky chick !She definitely had her hands full with Wyatt and Shaun and their love story was so touching yet endearing.I loved that her and her son got the family they deserved to have all along.
Kit was a bit of a restless soul but, meeting Rex was the best thing to ever happen to her as he is the one person to sooth that restless soul of hers yet give her a bit of adventure that she craves.
Titz yet again stole the show as you she is down right bat sh*t crazy but, we love her kind crazy as she had us laughing out loud the entire story yet again.
Della and Declan's story was one of my favorites as Della's story was heart wrenching and touching and I loved how even though she is just a prospect The Dirty Bitches MC have her back.This story really heated things up a bit because both clubs start working together to take out a threat to one they consider their own. We loved the interaction with both clubs working together in this story as it really spiced things up a bit. We saw just how much Della grew throughout this story as she was always pushing herself and striving to change her life for the better and just became stronger and more independent as she found her way to heal from her past.What a strong women and survivor! "Just loved her!" We loved Declan and Della together boy did they have chemistry! grins....
Billie Jo & Leeds and Bastian aka Prez of the Southern Lords love triangle. Omg ! things defiantly heated up in this story.Leeds turned out to be such a douche bag I felt like avenging Billie Jo myself .I loved Bastian calling Billie Jo precious all the time and I loved the twist with them being reunited after so many years it was one of those OMG ! moments for sure.It was a well written story packed with action and adventure and love and all about second chances and getting things right the second time around.I fell head of heals for Bastian as his love for Billie Jo stood the test of time and for him it was like they never spent that time apart.Overall the story was quite endearing.
Overall great stories with amazing character's and we loved them all.