A man looks sexy in black. Thief wear. Here are some wonderful Historical Romance Heroes who are thieves.
Highwaymen and Pirates have their own lists.
1. A Wicked Liaison by Christine Merrill Government Thief
2. Improper Gentlemen by Maggie Robinson Ex Pickpocket
3. Lady of Desire by Gaelen Foley Leader of a Band of Thieves
4. Your Scandalous Ways by Loretta Chase Thief
5. After the Scandal by Elizabeth Essex Thief
6. My Favorite Thief by Karyn Monk Jewel Thief
7. Always a Princess by Alice Gaines Jewel Thief
8. Prince of Swords by Anne Stuart Cat Burglar
9. Stolen Charms by Adele Ashworth Robin Hood Type
10. The Scoundrel by Claire Delacroix Thief
Did I leave off your favorite Historical Romance Thief Hero? Let me know!
Remember, you can always request a list.
To vote for the best of the best of the Historical Romance Thief Hero, go to my Goodreads list: Swipe: Thief Heroes in Historical Romance
For fun, visit my Pinterest board,: Stop, Thief!, to see thieves of all kinds from film and romance.